Series: Snippets 01

Snippets: a series of brief summaries describing what I have been working on recently, plus a few personal tidbits.

Finished Works

Woman in Kimono Walking Dog

I have started a series of brush pen and Chinese watercolor crane pieces, with 3 completed so far. There will be a total of 5 or 6, all with a similar look and minimal color palette. They will work as stand-alone pieces, while also being a cohesive series.

Cranes Series: Completed works in the series to date

Most recently completed piece in the Cranes Series

I have also been working on a series of “character portraits”, which are drawings of all of my characters, each on a plain white background with just a bit of shadowing to add some depth. The most recent one I finished is my bunny character named Fluff.

Character Portrait Series: Completed portraits to date

Most recently completed Character Portrait: Fluff

Works in Progress
The only work in progress I have going at the moment is a tea ceremony scene that I need to put the finishing touches on (drawing on the left). Sometimes I have a few pieces going at once, but I managed to wrap up everything before writing this post (huzzah).

Tea Ceremony in progress (on left)

New in the Shop (Click to purchase)


Mama and Baby Penguins

Thai Forest Monks Walking on Path

Mouse Sitting Under Bamboo

Projects and Updates

In addition to receiving a recent commission (which was a pleasure to do), I have gotten questions from other potential clients, so I decided to create a page on my blog with information regarding private commissions. 


A few random pages from my current sketchbook:


I am currently reading a few books:

The Ramayana 

The Bible (New Testament). 

The New Big Book of Christian Mysticism, by Carl McColman

The Magician’s Nephew, book 6 (in the originally published order of the series), by C.S. Lewis.

Personal Tidbit

Broccoli is my favorite vegetable.


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