Series: A Capsule Kitchen: Minimalist Cornbread

This simple and humble cornbread is one of my husband's favorites, so I typically bake it once or twice a week. I have it streamlined to just 5 ingredients, which are inexpensive and always on hand. Years ago, we occasionally bought cornbread, and I feel like such a sucker now, as making it at home is so easy, which is why I wanted to share this recipe for fluffy, yummy, cheap and easy cornbread. 

Minimalist Cornbread


8” round baking pan

Measuring cup

Measuring spoons


Mixing bowl

Cooling rack or cutting board



1 cup all-purpose flour (whole wheat flour also works well, and gives it a bit of a rustic taste and  texture) 

1 cup cornmeal

1 tablespoon baking powder


¼ cup vegetable oil

1 cup water (I've used almond milk, but found water works just fine, and is much more cost-effective)

Optional ingredients 

Pinch of salt

A drizzle of agave or maple syrup, if you like a sweeter flavor

Grated vegan cheese or a sprinkling of nutritional yeast, if you like a more savory flavor


Preheat oven to 375°

Lightly grease baking pan (I use vegan margarine)

Mix dry ingredients in mixing bowl (I sift the flour, but it is not essential)

Add the vegetable oil and water (or milk of your choosing, if you are using that instead)

Add in any optional ingredients you are using 

Mix until combined. Pour batter into greased pan and bake for 20 minutes. Remove from the oven and let sit for 5-10 minutes before removing from the pan. Slice and serve.


I slice this into 8 pieces and freeze what we don’t eat that night. It heats up well, and its simplicity makes it versatile and able to pair with just about anything. We always have it with the Vegan Chili Mac (which we are having tonight, in fact). I’ve also had it for breakfast and as an afternoon snack on its own, topped with peanut better or preserves. Yum. 

That's it! I hope you give this recipe a try, and incorporate some of the optional ingredients I mentioned, or some of your own.  

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