Series: Snippets 02

Snippets: a series of brief summaries describing what I have been working on recently, plus a few personal tidbits.

Finished Works

Japanese Tea Ceremony with Branch

Egret with Wispy Feathers

Works in Progress

My daily walks often take me past ponds, creeks, and wetland areas, which are sources of inspiration for my art, especially in the spring, with all the blossoms, ducklings, animal life, and overgrown reeds. 

Boatman in Paper Boat in progress, 1

Boatman in Paper Boat in progress, 2

Ducklings on Riverbank in progess, 1

Ducklings on Riverbank in progress, 2

New in the shop (Click to purchase)

Red-Crowned Crane Series: 01

Character Portrait Series: Fluff

Woman in Kimono Walking Dog

Projects and Updates  

I have been steadily working on a large project since January, which is still under wraps, but a blog post about it may be coming later in the year.

June's blog post will be up next week, which is a simple recipe for tasty cornbread. So good!

Springtime is in full force here in the Pacific Northwest, and I am loving seeing all the colors, flowers, and lush flora on my daily walks.


A few recent sketches:


The Ramayana

The Bible (New Testament)

Cloiseted: My Years as a Nun by Catherine Coldstream

The Magician’s Nephew, book 6 (in the originally published order of the series), by C.S. Lewis

Personal Tidbit

I once met, and had a brief conversation with Joe DiMaggio.  


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