Series: Snippets 03

Snippets: a series of brief summaries describing what I have been working on recently, plus a few personal tidbits.

Finished Works

Magpie on Branch

Boatman in Paper Boat with Shinto Shrine

Ducklings at Water's Edge

Works in Progress

None! Aside from an ongoing project I am still keeping mum about.

New in the Shop (Click to purchase)

Egret with Wispy Feathers

Red-Crowned Cranes Series: 02

Red-Crowned Cranes Series: 03

Projects and Updates

June's blog post is up, which is an installment of "A Capsule Kitchen", featuring a recipe for simple and fluffy Minimalist Cornbread. Drool.

The Red-Crowned Cranes series that I am working on now has a section of its very own in my shop, as the individual pieces work as a cohesive collection. As I create more in the series, they will be added to my shop.  

Also shop-related, with summer just around the corner, I have updated the featured collection, which is chock-full of pieces that evoke warm nights, cool ocean breezes, and dreamy childhood memories of a distant past.

The wetlands near our home is teeming with life at the moment. These are a few recent photos from our walk there last week (don't miss the big bullfrog in the second photo - middle top):


A few random sketches, both from my sketchbook and on paper that I didn't want to go to waste (the little mouse on the swing). The bird with the bindle was inspired by the bird from the photo above - it just looked like he was headed for an adventure on those railroad tracks! The magpie sketch was used as a basis for the finished work I posted in the "Finished works" portion of this post.


The Ramayana

The Bible (New Testament)

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

Living Your Yoga By Judith Lasater

The Magician's Newphew, book 6 (in the originally published order of The Chronicles of Narnia) by C.S. Lewis

Personal Tidbit

I have 3 tatoos: a fairy on the right side of my back, a small turquoise star on my right upper arm, and the sanskrit word "ahimsa", which means non-harming, non-injury, non-violence, on my upper left arm.


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