Series: Snippets 10

Snippets: a series of brief summaries describing what I have been working on recently, plus a few personal tidbits.

Finished Works

Bunny Reaching for Book
Watercolor pencils, oil pastels, and pen

Fuzzy Bunny with Blanket
Pencil, pitt pastel pencils, and watercolor pencils

Fellini-Inspired Mouse
Pen, Chinese watercolors, and watercolor pencils

Mouse Walking Home at Dusk
Pencils and pitt pastel pencils

Two Orange Koi
Brush pen and Chinese watercolors

 Works in Progress 

Pencil lines for Mouse Walking with Fall Leaves (01)

Pen and watercolor added (02)

Finishing touches added: pitt pastel pencils and more watercolor (03)

New in the Shop (Click to purchase)

Monk and Mouse in the Rain

Santorini Dream

Egret Standing on Rocks with Reeds

Projects and Updates

I've been practicing with a new (to me) watercolor technique, and the below piece was my first attempt (first two photos below). 

My monstera plant has a new leaf, and it makes me so happy.

And, of course, nature photos from my walks in the area. I love the blurry one of the Great Blue Heron taking off (second photo below).


I've been thinking about fall and winter designs and characters, and brainstorming ideas and concepts for new pieces. The last remaining lazy days of summer have also been on my mind, which is reflected in the last sketch. 


The Organized Mind, by Daniel K. Levitin

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

The Ramayana

Personal Tidbit

My favorite television show is the original Star Trek.

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