
Showing posts from May, 2022

Samadhi Through Art

  Zen Stones Pen and watercolors Samadhi: collectedness of the mind on a single object through (gradual) calming of mental activity. A nondualistic state of consciousness in which the consciousness of the experiencing "subject" becomes one with the experienced "object". While I thoroughly enjoy doing artwork, sometimes I get so overwhelmed with trying to pick the next project to start, I get stressed. (Does this happen to other people, too?) Once I am over that bump, the actual practice of creating the art gives me a reason to get up in the morning. I have two main project lists: one is for large, ongoing projects which I dip in and out of, and the other is for one-off hand lettering and illustration pieces. As I think of ideas, I add them to the lists. Once a piece is finished and crossed off the list (so satisfying), I look forward to starting something new….. but then that sense of being overwhelmed takes over. Do I work on a section of one of the larger, ongoing