
Showing posts from May, 2023

The Art of Beginner's Mind

  Enso Circle Black watercolor In Zen buddhism, the term “beginner’s mind” comes up frequesntly. Books have been written about it, and pontifications abound, though it is a simple concept: approach what you are doing as if you are a novice. You will be open and receptive to the experience, and will pay close attention to what you are doing, but will not overthink anything.  I recently read an interview with the late Raymond Briggs that reminded me of this beginner's mind principle. He said he felt his first drawings were always the best, and all the drafts that followed were just attempts at trying to replicate that first drawing. I completely understood what he meant, as I have found that to be true for my own work, as of late. It is especially the case for the brush pen Asian-influenced style I do, though it is also often true for my character drawings. The first little bunny I drew in haste, so as not to forget the idea, is one of the cutest sketches I've done. There is just