
Showing posts from February, 2022

Working with What You Have

Minimalist Pencil Cup Pen and watercolor pencils I am a believer in, and an advocate of, working with what you have, in all aspects of life. It builds character, keeps you humble, exercises your critical thinking ability, saves money and resources, and challenges the status quo. Especially now, with nearly everything available in an instant, by click, tap, or shout (“Alexa, toilet paper!”), and no doubt very soon by mere thought, resisting the urge to acquire is a powerful and subversive act. My financial circumstances necessitate the practice of minimalism when it comes to art supplies. Sometimes it can be a little frustrating, but more often than not, I actually prefer the challenge of constraints imposed on my work. I suspect the same principle was at play when I was in college, and performed better under pressure and a quick deadline, than I did when I had an entire term to complete a project. While I am definitely not a procrastinator, having some sort of structure and limitation