
Showing posts from July, 2022

For the Love of Lettering

Hello Script Pen and watercolor pencils When I was in fifth grade, our teacher, in addition to teaching us origami, basic perspective drawing, and a few words of greeting in Japanese, taught us the art of calligraphy. I took to it instantly, and practiced on my own for fun. I loved everything about it, from the pens, (particularly the kind that has that little space in the middle of the tip, so there is a line of negative space through the wording) to the end result of beautifully written text. My mom gifted me a calligraphy set that year, and I stuck with it for quite awhile. I don't remember when or why I stopped, but eventually I did. I enjoy doing line work and detailed illustrations, and a natural evolution of those techniques led me to explore hand lettering, which looks similar to calligraphy. I had done a bit on my own already but wanted to improve my skills, so I did a little research, and bought an instructional book. I practiced each style in the book, and did the exerci