
Showing posts from August, 2022

When you Order Oranges and You Get Lemons

  Lemonade Stand Pen and watercolor pencils After having more than enough training over the past 2 ½ years, I think I can say, with all honesty, that I have improved my ability to handle the unexpected, if not with grace and calmness, at least with creativity, and perspective. Not every mistake, hassle, or inconvenience is that big of a deal. Got lemons in your grocery pickup order instead of the oranges you ordered? Make lemonade, and maybe and some natural, all-purpose cleaner. You might discover you actually want to order lemons next week, because you now have a couple of new things you enjoy making that you wouldn’t even know about if that mistake hadn’t happened, and if you didn’t use your new-found perspective and creativity. I am not an optimist, and I do not believe that anyone can force a beneficial outcome to occur, no matter how much positive thinking they practice. There are laws of the universe that cannot be altered; even if a short term win is made, by unnatural or une