When you Order Oranges and You Get Lemons


Lemonade Stand
Pen and watercolor pencils

After having more than enough training over the past 2 ½ years, I think I can say, with all honesty, that I have improved my ability to handle the unexpected, if not with grace and calmness, at least with creativity, and perspective. Not every mistake, hassle, or inconvenience is that big of a deal. Got lemons in your grocery pickup order instead of the oranges you ordered? Make lemonade, and maybe and some natural, all-purpose cleaner. You might discover you actually want to order lemons next week, because you now have a couple of new things you enjoy making that you wouldn’t even know about if that mistake hadn’t happened, and if you didn’t use your new-found perspective and creativity.

I am not an optimist, and I do not believe that anyone can force a beneficial outcome to occur, no matter how much positive thinking they practice. There are laws of the universe that cannot be altered; even if a short term win is made, by unnatural or unethical means, in the long term nothing good will come from that win. There is always a price to be paid.

That said, I think there are two mental processes that are crucial when following an artistic path: disciplining the mind in order to improve how we react to situations, and being truly open to possibilities. Both mental shifts are invaluable to progressing in anything creative, from experimenting with style or medium, or deciding to submit work to a company or agency, or committing to writing and illustrating a book. 

I have found that, even when I do get lemons, if I make that lemonade, and natural, all-purpose cleaner, instead of falling back into the victim mentality, I am more productive, creative, and determined than if I just passively take the lemons, and whine about why I got stuck with them again. While I can’t say that I look forward to receiving lemons with eager anticipation, I now know how best to use them.  






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