
Showing posts from February, 2023


Minimalist Color Palette Pen and watercolor pencils Style:   distinction, excellence, originality, and   character in any form of artistic or literary expression - Webster's New World Dictionary, Third College Edition The above definition of the word “style” is one of many, and I felt that it was the one most suited to the topic of creativity in general and, for the purpose of this writing, art in particular. Being a self-taught artist, without industry connections or training in the field, requires me to be entirely self-driven in seeking out knowledge and information about the business, specifically illustration in my case. Luckily, my college experience provided me with the research skills needed to dive into the overwhelming sea of material available. I have learned quite a bit, some of which is objective (what an illustration agency does, licensing information, how to find and contact potential clients, and industry terminology, for example), but much of what I have gleaned is