
Showing posts from April, 2023

Hello Spring

Tulips in the Neighborhood photo by Angela Marie Morton Springtime is a time of rejuvenation, and is the perfect season for a reset. Signs of renewal and rebirth are everywhere, serving as gentle and encouraging reminders of the cyclical nature of life. It is a time to open the windows and let the fresh air in, and to change the sheets from flannel to linen. I love getting organized and refreshing spaces, both mental and physical. While I appreciate and enjoy the cleansing and joyful feeling the spring season brings, I can’t help but associate this time of year with two events that have had a huge impact on my life: WHO’s declaration of the Covid-19 pandemic which had, and continues to have, a devastating effect on my life and the lives of so many around the globe, and the death of a loved one, eighteen years ago this year. And, of course, there is Easter. The story of Easter is one of the most compelling of all time. Our household acknowledges Holy Week by listening to Gregorian chant