
Showing posts from August, 2023

Getting Started as an Artist on a Budget

This post is for anyone interested in budget-friendly (read: FREE) options for presenting, and selling, their artwork online. I know from experience how overwhelming it can be to get started, and what a challenge it is when you have limited funds. My hope in writing this post, is that the research I did for myself might be of use to others.  Before getting to the list of sites and platforms I use, I thought it might be helpful to provide some context to my choices: 1) I am not a tech-oriented person.  I   use the minimum amount of technology needed to be able to exist in the modern world. Between the pandemic, and my desire and determination to do something constructive with my art, it became necessary for me to delve into unfamiliar tech territory, both in terms of websites and social media platforms, as well as acquiring minor technical knowledge and skills.  2) The sites I use need to be free. Due to budget constraints, I immediately weeded out platforms that did not offer free ver