
Showing posts from October, 2023

The Art of Non-Attachment

  Algernon with Flower Pencil and colored pencils Life experiences, combined with personal spiritual practices and studies, have taught me the importance, value, and necessity of not looking outwardly for validation, self-worth, or identity. Refraining from dependency on external factors for fulfillment has led to a more balanced and contented life, increased confidence, and the ability to give back to people on an individual level, and to the world as a whole, with greater ease and sincerity. This simple (but not always easy to apply in practice) concept has enabled me to live more authentically, and regularly reduces decision fatigue, as I am not perpetually striving for the next material thing, stressing over things far out of my control, or taking actions based on someone else’s expectations.  One of the common themes found in the teachings of the Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism, is the concept of non-attachment. The teachers, methods, and spiritual ends are different in each