
Showing posts from December, 2023

Reflections, Intentions, and Thank Yous

As late fall turns to winter, and the days get shorter and colder here in the Northern Hemisphere, I imagine many people find themselves reflecting on the past 12 months, just as I do. For most of the year, I am focused on each day, but in December, I tend to think about what the world has witnessed, what I have experienced in my own life, and about the goals I’d set for myself back in January. Globally, this year has been intense and, at times, horrific. Genocide, an ongoing pandemic, economic instability, global warming, mass shootings, all of which appear to be set to continue indefinitely. Appalling as they all are, for me, they also serve as stark reminders that life is precious and short, and can end without warning. The weight of that realization can feel crushing, but it also motivates me to not take my time on this earth for granted, and to try to contribute, even in just a small way, a bit of kindness and happiness to others through my actions and my art. Personally, this yea