Reflections, Intentions, and Thank Yous

As late fall turns to winter, and the days get shorter and colder here in the Northern Hemisphere, I imagine many people find themselves reflecting on the past 12 months, just as I do. For most of the year, I am focused on each day, but in December, I tend to think about what the world has witnessed, what I have experienced in my own life, and about the goals I’d set for myself back in January.

Globally, this year has been intense and, at times, horrific. Genocide, an ongoing pandemic, economic instability, global warming, mass shootings, all of which appear to be set to continue indefinitely. Appalling as they all are, for me, they also serve as stark reminders that life is precious and short, and can end without warning. The weight of that realization can feel crushing, but it also motivates me to not take my time on this earth for granted, and to try to contribute, even in just a small way, a bit of kindness and happiness to others through my actions and my art.

Personally, this year has been comparatively steady, at least outwardly. Aside from a tech hellscape that started off the year, my husband and I were not faced with any major crises, which allowed me the space to focus on my art. Having more or less uninterrupted time was invaluable, and I know how fortunate I am to have had that opportunity.

Because of that wonderful gift of time, I was able to work steadily on my goals, with the main one being to open an online shop, which I did in February (I wrote a detailed post about that experience in this post). My final project for the year was to redesign my online portfolio, which I finished last month, and am very happy with the result. Most importantly, over the course of the year, I created many new art and illustration pieces, and continued the ongoing process of developing my style, and improving my skills.    

I want to close this post, and this year, with a heartfelt thank you to the people who have supported, and continue to support, my artistic endeavors. To my family, for the love and encouragement they have given me - thank you. My husband and my mom have been 100% behind me since the beginning of my artistic journey, and I know how lucky I am to have them cheering me on. I also want to acknowledge my appreciation and gratitude to those who have supported me through follows, comments, and reposts on social media, and to those who have purchased items from my online shop. Having the love and support of my family, and connecting with people who value and appreciate what I do, inspires me to keep going. THANK YOU. It means so much to me to be able to create art that people like and get value from.  

I don't know what the coming year will bring, but I have been working on my goals and intentions list, as well as sketching ideas for new designs and illustrations. In addition, I am  looking forward to continuing to build meaningful connections with people who enjoy my work. With that, I wish everyone a safe and peaceful holiday, and I will see you in 2024. Happy New Year to you all.   



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