Inspiration as a Koan

Monk Climbing Steps
Pen and pencil

Koan: In Zen Buddhism, a koan is a phrase from a sutra or teaching on Zen realization; it points to the nature of ulitmate reality. Essential to a koan is paradox - that which is "beyond thinking", which transcends the logical or conceptual. It cannot be solved by reason, and requires a leap to another level of comprehension.

Inspiration is a curious thing. Why does something inspire one artist, but not another? What is it about the object, or scene that appeals to the artist as a subject? As for myself, I tend to draw on my interests (fortunately, I collect interests like a black dress collects pet hair), though I do occasionally get inspired by something new, which is always exciting. 

The themes that have consistently provided me with inspiration are: nature, particularly plants and anything involving water; Japanese art and culture; spirituality, with a heavy emphasis on Zen Buddhism and Saint Francis of Assisi; the Greek Islands; and books, both their content and their physical form. Looking through old sketchbooks, and finished pieces, these interests are apparent.

It must be my academic background in sociology and psychology that compels me to attempt to see the “why” of human behavior even though, similar to a Zen koan, it transcends the conceptual or logical. Does knowing the reason even matter? The important thing is to be inspired, and to try to inject some beauty into the world, by creating something all your own. Maybe you, or your creations will be the inspiration for someone else.      


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