Getting Ready for the New Year


A new year has always been a time I have looked forward to. As a child, I used to enjoy the start of the new school term - going to the store with my mom to stock up on new supplies, finding out who my teacher was going to be and seeing where my new classroom was, and generally getting emotionally and physically prepared to navigate my way through the coming school year. 

As an adult, January brings that same feeling of a fresh start that began each new childhood academic year, though, as a woman in my 40s, I am much more aware of the passing years and seasons. In elementary school, the start of a term was approached with optimistic anticipation, mixed with some apprehension and giddiness. As an adult, the start of the calendar year is a bit melancholy, but also hopeful, as I plan my year and compile my goals, not knowing what the next 12 months will ultimately have in store for me, or for the world. 

For the past several years, I have made lists of my creative goals and tasks, which has been helpful in keeping me productive and on track. I am still finalizing my list for 2024, but I have about a dozen items jotted down so far. Some are reminders of certain areas or aspects of my art that I want to focus on, and some are specific tasks that I want to either explore or accomplish.

One of the items on my list is to use my new sketchbook regularly. That may sound funny, but for the first time since I began pursuing art seriously, I have a nice one, and I plan to make the most of it. This is a physical example of my overall theme for 2024: conscious attention. In all areas of my life, art included, I am committed to slowing down, and taking time to appreciate each moment for what it is. 

I have a few projects in mind for the new year that I am looking forward to starting, including a big, long-term one, as well as a few smaller ones that I will be sharing more about in the coming months as I begin working on them. Because I will have multiple things going, I decided to create a loose weekly schedule to keep myself on track. Time management is not a problem for me, but I find having a schedule as a reminder of the blocks of time I have reserved for each main task helpful.

So, new year, new sketchbook, new schedule, new ideas, new projects, new goals (allowing, of course, for the inherent uncertainties of life). While we are on the subject of “new”, in addition to posting about art and creativity, I plan to also introduce a new feature: minimalist vegan recipes. Here’s to a healthy, creative, productive 2024.   




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