So Long, 2022

Bare Branches Photo by Angela Marie Morton With year’s end approaching, I recently spent a bit of time reviewing my 2022 goals and areas of focus I had jotted down at around this time last year. Every month or so, I looked at my list to see if I had forgotten something, and crossed off any actionable task I had completed (so satisfying). My list had several items on it, a few of which were specific projects, and the rest were reminders of what I wanted to focus on over the course of the year, to help keep me on track. I am good at structuring my time, and am definitely no procrastinator, but I have a tendency to feel overwhelmed when I lack a clear goal or focus, so having something to refer to helps immensely. A couple specific tasks I had on my list were: ○ Start a blog ○ Research illustration agencies An example of a more abstract item on my list was: ○ Continue developing my styles Reviewing my full list, I found I had accomplished everything on it and, in so...